Billy Presents:
Billy Presents:
McLaughlin will speak at ARRM Annual Conference
On September 26, Billy will open the annual leadership conference of the Association of Residential Resources in Minnesota (ARRM). ARRM is a nonprofit association comprised of community services providers that support people with disabilities with such essentials as housing and daily support.
Billy’s message of reinvention is extremely relevant to ARRM. Changing demographics and spiraling healthcare costs have made the current care-giving system unsustainable in light of declining revenue at both the state and federal levels. It is a challenge that seeks a creative solution. Fortunately, ARRM is taking a proactive approach to reform and rebalance the services its members provide. Recognizing that innovation occurs in the private sector, ARRM is working to facilitate solutions to the problem by removing barriers to innovation and choice. ARRM has designed a “cost-saving plan to deliver the right disability services in the right setting at the right time.” According to Bruce Nelson, chief executive officer of ARRM, “Part of the movement is to recreate services that are self-directed by people with disabilities and their families—to enable greater independence wherever possible.”
Rather than allowing funding cutbacks to define the future, ARRM is presenting the legislature with a “Blueprint for Reform,” a plan to unlock the traditional group home model and help facilitate the movement of people who want a more independent style of living. Meanwhile, the plan would allow for supervised care to continue for those individuals who want and need it. Last spring, 90% of the Blueprint for Reform was adopted by the legislature. Nelson added, “Support was bipartisan and included the governor.”
Now that adoption of the Blueprint is in process, ARRM will soon be positioned to move forward with implementing its plan. Members will be confronted with big changes in their delivery systems. The focus of ARRM’s conference this year will be on opening the door to innovation and invention while addressing questions related to “Why should I do it?” Benefits of affordability, independence and a preferred lifestyle will drive a different business plan for members’ future. The conference will enable upper management and decision makers to collaborate on design opportunities and tools. Billy’s presence will add perspective to the changes ahead for community services providers. “With any big change, we always have a choice to either focus on what’s working or what’s not. This event will be an opportunity for participants to design a better future than simply leaving it to chance. My goal is to inspire the creative thinking needed to make that happen,” he said.
For more information about ARRM and its Blueprint for Reform, as well as home and community-based programs that support Minnesotans with disabilities, visit